My Three Angels
Directed by Stephen Grinch
May 15 & 22, 2022 at 2:00PM
Randy Benge (Joseph), Sean Brinker (Jules), Tiarra Dapo (Marie Louise Ducotel), Julie Emmert (Mme. Parole), Brian Henry (Henri Trouchard), Jeff Kemeter (Lieutenant), Randy Lenhart (Felix Ducotel), Cheryl Nelson (Emilie Ducotel), Patrick Petrilla (Paul), & Kyle Smith (Alfred)
It's Christmas Eve in the tropical prison colony of Cayenne, French Guiana, where the temperature has graciously dropped to 104 degrees. Hopeless shopkeeper Felix Ducotel has hired three convicts - two of them murderers, the third a swindler - to fix his roof. But when Felix's evil cousin arrives to oust Felix and his family from their business, the three convicts realize the Ducatels need a few guardian angels, and decide to use every criminal art they possess to set matters right.